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Service Update - September 2020 (COVID-19 Response)

In response to the Government announcement this week, we confirm the following service update:

  • Staff are continuing to be office based but in an effort to reduce contact time staff will have some periods of home working throughout the week. This will ensure office cover 8.30am- 3.00pm as a minimum each day. Outside these hours please leave a message or email us.

  • Family support from volunteers has been re-assessed and will return to remote support where possible. Risk assessments have taken place with each linked family and in exceptional circumstances face to face support will continue.

  • Family Groups, trips and events continue to be postponed.

  • Our psychology service continues remotely two days a week.

  • We continue to apply for funding to ensure our service is secure and able to respond to the needs of families.

  • We remain open for referrals and families are being opened remotely until we can safely home visit again.

  • Current families are being reviewed and closed if they no longer need us through remote assessments.

  • We will be offering some form of Preparation Course to the 15 prospective volunteers who would like to join our team in January but will need to decide nearer the time the format this will take (group, small pods or zoom supported sessions).

These steps have been taken to ensure we keep our families and volunteers as safe as we can, but also to minimise risks to the wider community and ensure we are reducing contact where possible.

Please contact us if you have any questions or worries about these changes or we can help in any other way.

Belinda, Donna, Joanne, Kelly and Lynda


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