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January Newsletter

Goodbye to Heidi and Nikki

We were sad to have to say goodbye to two of our staff team before Christmas, as a result of our Big Lottery grant coming to an end.


Our Co-ordinator Heidi Preston, who had been with us for three years and Scheme Support Worker Nikki Beeston have now moved on and we do not currently have finance in place to support these posts.

We wish them both every success and happiness in the future and have passed on our thanks for all they have done for our families, volunteers and the scheme in their time with us.

Current Staff Team

We are delighted to have promoted Donna Scriven to the role of Senior Co-ordinator, now sharing Strategic Lead for Safeguarding responsibility with Belinda. Donna will continue to have a family caseload and work at the groups, as before.

Lynda, Belinda and Joanne continue in their roles and we have increased the hours of our Family Group Worker, Sam Littleton, who now works at all three groups each week. Fundraising continues to support the staff posts we need to meet the demands of our service, but at present we would ask you to bear with us as we have times when we are thin on the ground.

Please be aware the office is not open all of the time, although staff will be at work. Please ring to check before visiting us to ensure you do not have a wasted journey.

All answerphone messages are picked up regularly so please leave us a message if we are not available.

If you call the office and no one is available to answer your call, please leave a message, we will call you back as soon as we can.


Home-Start Wyre Forest is a local charity set up in 1995. . We are affiliated to the national organisation Home-Start UK, but are independent, autonomous and responsible for our own management and for raising our own funds. Home-Start UK provides advice and support together with a stringent Quality Assurance review process to ensure the scheme operates effectively.


Registered Charity Number : 1120436

A company limited by guarantee Number : 5419029 

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