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February 2016

Grant secured with DY10 Big Local

We are delighted to have secured a grant of £40 000 over the next three years to run two After School Family Groups for parents and their school aged children.

One group already runs each week from St Ambrose Hall and the second will be opened in the coming month or two.

All Home-Start families can attend the groups, providing they only bring school aged children, as the sessions are not safe or insured for pre-school children to join us.

The groups offer a safe place to meet and form friendships and have an after school snack with other families, Home-Start volunteers and staff. Support can be given with homework and reading and families can join in optional craft activities.

Please let us know if you would like to attend or volunteer at the group and we can tell you more!


Home-Start Wyre Forest is a local charity set up in 1995. . We are affiliated to the national organisation Home-Start UK, but are independent, autonomous and responsible for our own management and for raising our own funds. Home-Start UK provides advice and support together with a stringent Quality Assurance review process to ensure the scheme operates effectively.


Registered Charity Number : 1120436

A company limited by guarantee Number : 5419029 

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